Light & Optical Instruments MCQs With Answer
Light travels fastest in which of the following mediums?
a) Water
b) Air
c) Glass
d) Vacuum
Which of the following is NOT a primary color of light?
a) Red
b) Blue
c) Green
d) Yellow
What type of mirror is used in car side mirrors to provide a wider field of view?
a) Plane mirror
b) Concave mirror
c) Convex mirror
d) Cylindrical mirror
Which of the following optical instruments is used to magnify distant objects?
a) Microscope
b) Telescope
c) Periscope
d) Magnifying glass
What is the unit of measurement for the power of a lens?
a) Hertz
b) Diopter
c) Joule
d) Watt
Which phenomenon causes the splitting of white light into different colors through a prism?
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Dispersion
d) Diffraction
Which type of lens is used in a magnifying glass?
a) Concave lens
b) Convex lens
c) Cylindrical lens
d) Bifocal lens
Which part of the human eye controls the amount of light entering it?
a) Retina
b) Cornea
c) Pupil
d) Iris
What is the term for the bouncing back of light from a surface?
a) Refraction
b) Dispersion
c) Reflection
d) Diffraction
What type of mirror is used in shaving or makeup mirrors for a magnified view?
a) Convex mirror
b) Plane mirror
c) Concave mirror
d) Cylindrical mirror
Which phenomenon causes a pencil to appear bent when placed in a glass of water?
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Dispersion
d) Diffraction
Which optical instrument uses two convex lenses to magnify small objects?
a) Periscope
b) Microscope
c) Telescope
d) Binoculars
Which type of electromagnetic wave has the highest energy?
a) Infrared
b) Ultraviolet
c) X-rays
d) Gamma rays
What is the angle of incidence equal to in the case of reflection?
a) Angle of refraction
b) Angle of diffraction
c) Angle of dispersion
d) Angle of reflection
Which color of light has the shortest wavelength?
a) Red
b) Green
c) Blue
d) Violet
Which instrument is used to examine the internal parts of the human body using light and lenses?
a) Periscope
b) Endoscope
c) Microscope
d) Telescope
Which lens is used to correct farsightedness (hyperopia)?
a) Concave lens
b) Convex lens
c) Cylindrical lens
d) Bifocal lens
Which phenomenon is responsible for the formation of rainbows?
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Dispersion
d) Diffraction
Which optical device is used by sailors to see over obstacles like walls or trenches?
a) Microscope
b) Telescope
c) Periscope
d) Endoscope
Which property of light is used in fiber optics for high-speed data transmission?
a) Reflection
b) Total internal reflection
c) Refraction
d) Dispersion
Which instrument is used to measure the intensity of light?
a) Thermometer
b) Lux meter
c) Spectrometer
d) Calorimeter
Which law states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection?
a) Snell’s Law
b) Newton’s Law
c) Law of Reflection
d) Law of Refraction
What type of mirror is used in vehicle headlights to focus light into a beam?
a) Plane mirror
b) Convex mirror
c) Concave mirror
d) Cylindrical mirror
Which optical instrument is used to separate light into its component colors?
a) Microscope
b) Spectrometer
c) Telescope
d) Periscope
Which type of image is formed by a convex lens when the object is placed beyond twice the focal length?
a) Virtual, upright, magnified
b) Real, inverted, diminished
c) Real, inverted, magnified
d) Virtual, upright, diminished
Which type of mirror always forms a virtual, upright, and diminished image?
a) Concave mirror
b) Plane mirror
c) Convex mirror
d) Cylindrical mirror
Which device uses a combination of lenses to form an enlarged virtual image?
a) Magnifying glass
b) Camera
c) Microscope
d) Spectrometer
Which of the following optical instruments is used in film projectors to focus the image on a screen?
a) Plane mirror
b) Convex lens
c) Concave lens
d) Cylindrical lens
Which component of a camera controls the amount of light entering the lens?
a) Shutter
b) Aperture
c) Lens
d) Sensor
Which optical instrument is used by ophthalmologists to examine the retina?
a) Periscope
b) Ophthalmoscope
c) Microscope
d) Endoscope