General English MCQs with Answers

General English MCQs are important for candidates who prepare for competitive exams in Pakistan, such as CSS. These MCQs cover all the major topics like grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, idioms and phrases, synonyms and antonyms, comprehension, and verbal reasoning. These tests check the candidate’s ability to read, write, and think critically in the English language. General English MCQs also test the candidate’s understanding of correct usage, punctuation, and error detection. Practicing these questions enhances communication skills and improves overall language proficiency, helping aspirants excel in exams. A strong command of English is crucial for success in written assessments, interviews, and professional careers.
Abstract Nouns MCQs
Action Verbs MCQs
Active & Passive Voice MCQs
Active and Passive Vocabulary MCQs
Adjective MCQs
Adjective Phrases MCQs
Adjectives and Adverbs MCQs
Adverb MCQs
Adverb Phrases MCQs
Adverbs of Degree MCQs
Adverbs of Manner MCQs
Adverbs of Place MCQs
Adverbs of Time MCQs
Antonyms MCQs
Argumentative Writing MCQs
Articles MCQs
Business Writing
Capitalization and Punctuation MCQs
Clauses MCQs
Cloze Test MCQs
Coherence and Cohesion MCQs
Collective Nouns MCQs
Collocations MCQs
Common Error Detection MCQs
Common Nouns MCQs
Commonly Confused Words MCQs
Complex Sentences MCQs
Compound Prepositions MCQs
Compound Sentences MCQs
Compound Subjects MCQs
Compound-Complex Sentences MCQs
Concrete Nouns MCQs
Conditional Sentences MCQs
Conjunctions MCQs
Contextual Usage MCQs
Coordinating Conjunctions MCQs
Correct Usage of Articles MCQs
Correlative Conjunctions MCQs
Countable Nouns MCQs
Creative Writing MCQs
Demonstrative Adjectives MCQs
Demonstrative Pronouns MCQs
Dependent Clauses MCQs
Descriptive Adjectives MCQs
Descriptive Writing MCQs
Direct & Indirect MCQs
Double Prepositions MCQs
Exclamatory Interjections MCQs
Expressive Interjections MCQs
Fill in the Blanks MCQs
Formal Writing MCQs
Future Continuous Tense MCQs
Future Perfect Continuous Tense MCQs
Future Perfect Tense MCQs
Future Simple Tense MCQs
Grammar Rules and Usage MCQs
Greeting Interjections MCQs
Homonyms MCQs
Homophones MCQs
Helping Verbs MCQs
Idioms & Phrases MCQs
Indefinite Pronouns MCQs
Independent Clauses MCQs
Informal Writing MCQs
Interjections MCQs
Interrogative Adjectives MCQs
Interrogative Adverbs MCQs
Interrogative Pronouns MCQs
Intransitive Verbs MCQs
Inverted Sentences MCQs
Jumbled Sentences MCQs
Linking Verbs MCQs
Masculine And Feminine Gender MCQs
Modal Verbs MCQs
Modifiers and Comparatives MCQs
Noun MCQs
Noun Phrases MCQs
Nouns and Pronouns MCQs
Odd One Out MCQs
One Word Substitution MCQs
Pairs of Words Often Confused MCQs
Parallelism and Coordination MCQs
Parts of Speech MCQs
Past Continuous Tense MCQs
Past Perfect Continuous Tense MCQs
Past Perfect Tense MCQs
Past Simple Tense MCQs
Persuasive Writing MCQs
Phrasal Verbs MCQs
Phrases MCQs
Plagiarism Awareness MCQs
Plural Subjects MCQs
Possessive Adjectives MCQs
Possessive Pronouns MCQs
Prefixes MCQs
Prepositional Phrases MCQs
Prepositions MCQs
Present Continuous Tense MCQs
Present Perfect Continuous Tense MCQs
Present Perfect Tense MCQs
Present Simple Tense MCQs
Pronoun MCQs
Pronoun Usage MCQs
Proofreading and Editing MCQs
Proper Nouns MCQs
Punctuation Rules MCQs
Quantitative Adjectives MCQs
Reflexive Pronouns MCQs
Relative Pronouns MCQs
Root Words MCQs
Selecting Words MCQs
Sentence Agreement MCQs
Sentence Clarity MCQs
Sentence Coherence MCQs
Sentence Combination MCQs
Sentence Comparison MCQs
Sentence Completion MCQs
Sentence Correction MCQs
Sentence Emotion MCQs
Sentence Emphasis MCQs
Sentence Formation MCQs
Sentence Fragments MCQs
Sentence Intent MCQs
Sentence Logic MCQs
Sentence Modifiers MCQs
Sentence Parallelism MCQs
Sentence Paraphrasing MCQs
Sentence Rearrangement MCQs
Sentence Structure MCQs
Sentence Tone MCQs
Sentence Transformation MCQs
Sentence Types MCQs
Simple Prepositions MCQs
Simple Sentences MCQs
Singular Subjects MCQs
Subjects Joined by “and” MCQs
Subjects Joined by “or” or “nor” MCQs
Subjects with Indefinite Expressions MCQs
Subjects with Quantifiers MCQs
Subject-Verb Agreement MCQs
Subordinating Conjunctions MCQs
Suffixes MCQs
Synonyms MCQs
Tenses and Verb Forms MCQs
Tenses MCQs
Titles and Names as Subjects MCQs
Topic Sentences MCQs
Transitive Verbs MCQs
Uncountable Nouns MCQs
Verb MCQs
Verb Phrases MCQs
Verb Tenses MCQs
Vocabulary Antonyms MCQs
Vocabulary Synonyms MCQs
Vocabulary Word Origins MCQs
Vocabulary Word Prefixes MCQs
Vocabulary Word Roots MCQs
Vocabulary Word Suffixes MCQs
Word Analogies MCQs
Word Classification MCQs
Word Formation MCQs
Word Meanings MCQs
Word Order MCQs
Word Usage MCQs
Writing Style and Tone MCQs
Writing Techniques MCQs