Everyday Science MCQs with Answers

Everyday Science MCQs are a basic necessity for aspirants appearing for competitive exams in Pakistan, especially CSS. These multiple choice questions span the areas mainly of physics, chemistry, biology, environmental science, and scientific inventions and the underlying principles of human anatomy, the solar system, sources of energy and technological advancements. Every day science MCQ tests candidates’ awareness with practical scientific applications of real life aspects like health, nutrition, and climate change. These kinds of questions help strengthen analytical thinking and scientific awareness among aspirants so that they can score well in the examination. A strong grasp of everyday science helps aspirants excel in general knowledge and science-related subjects.
3D Printing & Nanotechnology MCQs
Acids, Bases & Salts MCQs
Acids, Bases, and pH MCQs
Aerodynamics & Aviation Science MCQs
Agriculture and Crop Sciences MCQs
Air and Atmosphere MCQs
Air Pollution & Its Effects MCQs
Animal Biology and Zoology MCQs
Animal Kingdom & Their Classification MCQs
Applications of Science in Medicine MCQs
Artificial Intelligence & Automation MCQs
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics MCQs
Astronomical Instruments & Observations MCQs
Astronomical Units & Light Years MCQs
Atomic Structure and Nuclear Physics MCQs
Bacteria, Viruses & Fungi MCQs
Basics of Electronics & Circuits MCQs
Biodiversity & Its Importance MCQs
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering MCQs
Black Holes, Galaxies & Nebulae MCQs
Blood Groups & Blood Circulation MCQs
Brain & Memory Functions MCQs
Branches of Science & Their Applications MCQs
Cell Structure & Functions MCQs
Chemical Analysis and Instrumentation MCQs
Chemical Reactions & Catalysts MCQs
Circulatory System and Blood MCQs
Classification of Living Organisms MCQs
Climate Change & Global Warming MCQs
Climate Change and Global Warming MCQs
Climate Engineering & Geoengineering MCQs
Climate Zones and Biomes MCQs
Common Diseases and Prevention MCQs
Common Human Diseases & Their Causes MCQs
Common Laboratory Equipment MCQs
Communication Systems and Networks MCQs
Computer Science & IT MCQs
Deforestation & Its Consequences MCQs
Digestive System & Nutrients MCQs
Digestive System and Nutrition MCQs
DNA, RNA & Genetic Code MCQs
Earth’s Structure and Composition MCQs
Earthquakes & Volcanoes MCQs
Eclipses: Solar & Lunar MCQs
Ecology and Ecosystems MCQs
Electricity & Magnetism MCQs
Electricity and Electrical Circuits MCQs
Electronics and Circuits MCQs
Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures MCQs
Emerging Technologies in Healthcare MCQs
Endangered Species & Conservation MCQs
Endocrine System & Hormones MCQs
Energy and its Forms MCQs
Energy Conservation & Efficiency MCQs
Environmental Pollution and Control MCQs
Environmental Science MCQs
Evolution & Natural Selection MCQs
Evolution and Natural Selection MCQs
Famous Scientists & Their Contributions MCQs
Fiber Optics & Lasers MCQs
First Aid and Emergency Procedures MCQs
Food and Nutrition MCQs
Food Safety and Handling MCQs
Food Science and Technology MCQs
Fossil Fuels & Their Impact MCQs
Future Energy Solutions & Green Technologies MCQs
Genetics and Inheritance MCQs
Geology and Earth Sciences MCQs
Greenhouse Effect & Global Warming MCQs
Health and Nutrition MCQs
Heat and Thermodynamics MCQs
Heat Transfer and Insulation MCQs
Household Chemicals & Their Uses MCQs
Human Body and Anatomy MCQs
Human Genetics & DNA Technology MCQs
Human Organ Systems MCQs
Immunity & Vaccination MCQs
Internet and Information Technology MCQs
Internet, Cybersecurity & Data Science MCQs
Introduction to Everyday Science MCQs
Laws of Motion MCQs
Laws of Thermodynamics MCQs
Layers of the Earth MCQs
Light & Optical Instruments MCQs
Light and Optics in Everyday Life MCQs
Magnetism and Electromagnetism MCQs
Medicines and Pharmaceuticals MCQs
Mendelian Genetics & Inheritance MCQs
Metals & Non-Metals Properties MCQs
Microorganisms and Diseases MCQs
Microorganisms and their Roles MCQs
Microorganisms in Medicine MCQs
Mobile Communication & Satellites MCQs
Motion & Newton’s Laws MCQs
Motion and Forces in Daily Life MCQs
Muslim Scientists in History MCQs
Natural Disasters & Safety Measures MCQs
Nervous System and Brain MCQs
Nobel Prize in Science: Winners & Contributions MCQs
Nuclear Energy & Its Uses MCQs
Optics and Light MCQs
Organic & Inorganic Chemistry MCQs
Organic Chemistry Basics MCQs
Organic Farming & GM Crops MCQs
Ozone Layer Depletion MCQs
Pesticides & Their Effects MCQs
Photosynthesis & Plant Growth MCQs
Physical Phenomena MCQs
Plant Diseases & Their Causes MCQs
Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes MCQs
Pollution and its Effects MCQs
Radioactivity and Nuclear Reactions MCQs
Reaction Rates and Chemical Kinetics MCQs
Renewable & Non-Renewable Resources MCQs
Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Sources MCQs
Reproductive System and Human Development MCQs
Respiratory System & Lungs MCQs
Respiratory System and Breathing MCQs
Road, Rail & Water Transport Technologies MCQs
Rocks, Minerals & Fossils MCQs
Science & Agriculture Innovations MCQs
Science and Technology in Society MCQs
Science Experiments and Demonstrations MCQs
Science in Agriculture and Food Production MCQs
Science in Cooking & Food Preservation MCQs
Science in Everyday Life MCQs
Science in Medicine and Healthcare MCQs
Science in Technology and Industry MCQs
Scientific Discoveries and Breakthroughs MCQs
Scientific Discoveries and Inventions MCQs
Scientific Instruments and Apparatus MCQs
Scientific Laws and Theories MCQs
Scientific Laws and Theories MCQs
Scientific Measurements and Units MCQs
Scientific Method & Its Importance MCQs
Scientific Notation and Significant Figures MCQs
Scientific Problem Solving and Critical Thinking MCQs
Scientific Terminology and Definitions MCQs
SI Units & Measurements MCQs
Simple Machines & Their Applications MCQs
Simple Machines and their Uses MCQs
Skeletal System and Bones MCQs
Smart Cities & Future Infrastructure MCQs
Soil Science & Crop Growth MCQs
Solar & Wind Energy MCQs
Solar System and Celestial Bodies MCQs
Sound & Its Properties MCQs
Sound and its Applications MCQs
Space Agencies (NASA, ISRO, SUPARCO) MCQs
Space Colonization & Future Missions MCQs
Space Exploration & Satellites MCQs
Space Travel & Human Missions MCQs
Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe MCQs
States of Matter & Their Properties MCQs
Technology and Innovation MCQs
Telescopes & Space Observatories MCQs
The Circulatory System & Heart MCQs
The Moon & Its Phases MCQs
The Nervous System & Brain MCQs
The Periodic Table & Chemical Bonding MCQs
The Role of Science in Sustainable Development MCQs
The Solar System & Its Planets MCQs
The Sun: Structure & Importance MCQs
Thermometers & Barometers MCQs
Units of Measurement MCQs
Uses of X-rays, MRI, & CT Scans MCQs
Vaccines and Immunization MCQs
Vitamins & Their Functions MCQs
Volcanoes and Geothermal Activity MCQs
Waste Management & Recycling MCQs
Water and its Properties MCQs
Water Cycle & Water Pollution MCQs
Weather & Climate MCQs
Weather and Climate MCQs
Weather Patterns and Forecasting MCQs
Wireless Communication & Its Applications MCQs
Work, Power & Energy MCQs