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Concrete Nouns MCQs With Answer

Concrete Nouns MCQs

Welcome to the Concrete Nouns MCQs with Answers. In this post, we have shared Concrete Nouns Online Test for different competitive exams. Find practice Concrete Nouns Practice Questions with answers in English Tests exams here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Concrete Nouns.

Choose the concrete noun in the sentence: “The dog ran across the yard.”
A) ran
B) yard
C) across
D) the

B) yard

In the sentence, “She put the book on the table,” which is the concrete noun?
A) put
B) book
C) on
D) table

D) table

Identify the concrete noun: “The car was parked in the garage.”
A) parked
B) in
C) car
D) was

C) car

Choose the concrete noun in the sentence: “The children played with the ball.”
A) played
B) with
C) ball
D) children

C) ball

What is the concrete noun in the sentence: “He drank a glass of water.”
A) drank
B) water
C) glass
D) of

B) water

In the sentence, “The cat slept on the bed,” which is the concrete noun?
A) slept
B) bed
C) on
D) cat

B) bed

Choose the concrete noun: “She placed the vase on the shelf.”
A) placed
B) vase
C) shelf
D) on

B) vase

What is the concrete noun in the sentence: “The teacher wrote on the blackboard”?
A) wrote
B) blackboard
C) on
D) teacher

B) blackboard

In the sentence, “The baby cried for a bottle,” which is the concrete noun?
A) cried
B) bottle
C) for
D) baby

B) bottle

Identify the concrete noun: “The chef cooked the meal in the kitchen.”
A) cooked
B) meal
C) kitchen
D) in

C) kitchen

Choose the concrete noun in the sentence: “The mail was delivered to the house.”
A) delivered
B) house
C) to
D) mail

B) house

What is the concrete noun in the sentence: “He took a photograph of the landscape”?
A) took
B) photograph
C) of
D) landscape

B) photograph

In the sentence, “She sat on the chair,” which is the concrete noun?
A) sat
B) on
C) chair
D) she

C) chair

Choose the concrete noun: “The musician played a beautiful melody on the piano.”
A) played
B) piano
C) melody
D) beautiful

B) piano

What is the concrete noun in the sentence: “The book was placed on the desk”?
A) book
B) was
C) placed
D) desk

D) desk

In the sentence, “The children ate the cookies,” which is the concrete noun?
A) ate
B) cookies
C) the
D) children

B) cookies

Choose the concrete noun: “The dog fetched the stick.”
A) fetched
B) stick
C) the
D) dog

B) stick

What is the concrete noun in the sentence: “She used a fork to eat her dinner”?
A) used
B) fork
C) to
D) dinner

B) fork

In the sentence, “The students read the novel in class,” which is the concrete noun?
A) students
B) read
C) class
D) novel

D) novel

Identify the concrete noun: “The park was full of children playing.”
A) park
B) full
C) children
D) playing

A) park

Choose the concrete noun in the sentence: “He put the letter in the envelope.”
A) letter
B) put
C) in
D) envelope

D) envelope

What is the concrete noun in the sentence: “The chef prepared a delicious meal”?
A) prepared
B) meal
C) a
D) delicious

B) meal

In the sentence, “She wore a beautiful dress to the party,” which is the concrete noun?
A) beautiful
B) dress
C) to
D) party

B) dress

Choose the concrete noun: “The gardener planted flowers in the garden.”
A) planted
B) flowers
C) in
D) garden

B) flowers

What is the concrete noun in the sentence: “The scientist used a microscope in the lab”?
A) scientist
B) used
C) microscope
D) lab

C) microscope

In the sentence, “The cat slept on the mat,” which is the concrete noun?
A) slept
B) cat
C) on
D) mat

D) mat

Choose the concrete noun: “The child played with the toy truck.”
A) played
B) toy
C) truck
D) with

C) truck

What is the concrete noun in the sentence: “He placed the cups on the shelf”?
A) placed
B) cups
C) on
D) shelf

B) cups

In the sentence, “She read a book by the fireplace,” which is the concrete noun?
A) read
B) book
C) by
D) fireplace

D) fireplace

Identify the concrete noun: “The waiter served drinks to the customers.”
A) served
B) drinks
C) to
D) customers

B) drinks

Choose the concrete noun in the sentence: “The chef chopped vegetables for the soup.”
A) chopped
B) vegetables
C) for
D) soup

B) vegetables

What is the concrete noun in the sentence: “She found her keys on the kitchen counter”?
A) found
B) keys
C) on
D) counter

B) keys

In the sentence, “The clock on the wall was broken,” which is the concrete noun?
A) was
B) wall
C) clock
D) broken

C) clock

Choose the concrete noun: “The movie was shown on the big screen.”
A) shown
B) screen
C) big
D) on

B) screen

What is the concrete noun in the sentence: “He admired the painting in the gallery”?
A) admired
B) painting
C) in
D) gallery

B) painting

In the sentence, “The students worked on their projects in the classroom,” which is the concrete noun?
A) worked
B) projects
C) in
D) classroom

D) classroom

Choose the concrete noun in the sentence: “She decorated the house for the holidays.”
A) decorated
B) house
C) for
D) holidays

B) house

What is the concrete noun in the sentence: “The dog slept on the couch”?
A) slept
B) on
C) couch
D) dog

C) couch

In the sentence, “The dentist examined the patient’s teeth,” which is the concrete noun?
A) examined
B) patient
C) teeth
D) dentist

C) teeth

Identify the concrete noun: “The librarian arranged the books on the shelves.”
A) arranged
B) books
C) on
D) shelves

B) books

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