Running The Chapter
Campus Chapter
Running The Chapter
Once you have signed up and got a heads up from our end about running the chapter you need to get the chapter running on your campus. And the first and foremost thing to do is to form a team of 13 members which manages all campus activities/programs.
How we Choose Team?
Youth for Pakistan will conduct interviews of interested candidates for the core team on campus. Once the team is formed, assign various responsibilities to various students, pick an administration head, a membership head, head of social media, etc. You are free to work this according to the way which is convenient to the core committee members of your campus chapter.
First Step
Now once the Campus Body and Core Committees are formed and had its first meeting presided by the Campus President it has to strictly follow these instructions for better operating the Campus Board in any University.
- Interview: Youth For Pakistan representative will conduct interviews on Skype or phone with five Board Members, Chair Campus Administration Committee, and Chair Campus Membership Committee.
- Agreement: After YFP fully satisfy with the interview from the top Campus Board and Committees (or request change in the team) will issue an Agreement which duly signed by all five Campus Board Members and 8 members of both committees will attache photocopy of their CNIC and return to YFP office within 15 working days.
- WhatsApp Group: Campus Board President has to make a WhatsApp group (+923353306600) which must consist of all 13 body members and one representative from YFP for future communication.
- Update Your Facebook Profile: Youth For Pakistan request all Campus Chapter Members to update their Work and Education Section on Facebook, click the “About” button on your Facebook profile, and under the “Work and Education” tab, Type “Youth For Pakistan” in the company name, and in “Position” field insert Your Position.
- Apply Hashtag: Always use the official hashtags like #YFP, #YouthForPakistan, make sure all your posts can be tracked and measured by using a unique hashtag. This is especially important on Instagram
- Youth Club: Campus Board including both Committees members have to make their account on Pakistan Youth Club, and have to join Campus Board Club there.
- Submit Report: Campus Board has to submit a Quarterly Report (3 months), template for report will be provided by YFP, Campus Board and both Committees have to submit the Quarterly report individually at ccreport[@]
Still have Questions?
If you have any question please write us at or WhatsApp +92335 3306600 or contact us on our YFP Facebook Page– and ask question.