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Belief in the Messengers of Allah MCQs with Answer

Belief in the Messengers of Allah MCQs

The following are Belief in the Messengers of Allah MCQs with answers related to Islamic Studies. We have arranged the most important and repeated MCQs in all the competitive examinations. The students can clear their concepts for Belief in the Messengers of Allah MCQs online quiz by attempting these.

Belief in the Messengers of Allah Online MCQs with Answers

Who is considered the first Prophet in Islam?
a) Adam
b) Noah
c) Abraham
d) Moses

a) Adam

Which Prophet is known as the “Father of the Prophets”?
a) Adam
b) Noah
c) Abraham
d) Moses

c) Abraham

Who was the Prophet famous for his patience during trials and tribulations?
a) Jonah (Yunus)
b) Lot (Lut)
c) Joseph (Yusuf)
d) David (Dawud)

c) Joseph (Yusuf)

Which Prophet was given the title “Khalilullah” (Friend of Allah)?
a) Adam
b) Abraham
c) Moses
d) Solomon (Sulaiman)

b) Abraham

Who was the Prophet who received the revelation in the form of a book?
a) Noah
b) Abraham
c) David (Dawud)
d) Muhammad

d) Muhammad

Which Prophet is known for building the Ark (Noah’s Ark)?
a) Adam
b) Abraham
c) Noah
d) Jonah (Yunus)

c) Noah

Who is the Prophet associated with the story of the sacrifice of his son?
a) Adam
b) Noah
c) Abraham
d) Ishmael (Ismail)

c) Abraham

Which Prophet is often referred to as the “Prince of Prophets”?
a) Adam
b) Abraham
c) Moses
d) Muhammad

d) Muhammad

Who is the Prophet known for his miraculous staff and parting of the Red Sea?
a) Abraham
b) David (Dawud)
c) Moses
d) Solomon (Sulaiman)

c) Moses

Which Prophet is associated with the story of being swallowed by a giant fish (whale)?
a) Jonah (Yunus)
b) Lot (Lut)
c) Abraham
d) Moses

a) Jonah (Yunus)

Who is the Prophet known for his wisdom and the story of the two women and the baby?
a) Abraham
b) David (Dawud)
c) Solomon (Sulaiman)
d) Joseph (Yusuf)

c) Solomon (Sulaiman)

Which Prophet is considered the “Seal of the Prophets” in Islam?
a) Adam
b) Noah
c) Abraham
d) Muhammad

d) Muhammad

Who is the Prophet associated with the story of the burning bush and the message to Pharaoh?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) David (Dawud)
d) Solomon (Sulaiman)

b) Moses

Which Prophet is known for his incredible strength?
a) Lot (Lut)
b) David (Dawud)
c) Solomon (Sulaiman)
d) Joseph (Yusuf)

b) David (Dawud)

Who was the Prophet chosen to deliver the message to the people of Thamud?
a) Lot (Lut)
b) Abraham
c) Salih
d) Isaac (Ishaq)

c) Salih

Which Prophet is associated with the story of being thrown into a fiery pit by his people?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Daniel (Daniyal)
d) Jonah (Yunus)

a) Abraham

Who is the Prophet known for interpreting dreams, including the dream of the king’s seven fat cows and seven lean cows?
a) Abraham
b) Daniel (Daniyal)
c) Joseph (Yusuf)
d) Lot (Lut)

c) Joseph (Yusuf)

Which Prophet is associated with the story of the miraculous splitting of the Moon?
a) Noah
b) Abraham
c) Moses
d) Muhammad

d) Muhammad

Who is the Prophet known for his patience and the story of his suffering from a debilitating illness?
a) Job (Ayub)
b) Daniel (Daniyal)
c) Jonah (Yunus)
d) Solomon (Sulaiman)

a) Job (Ayub)

Which Prophet is associated with the story of the golden calf and the Ten Commandments?
a) Noah
b) Abraham
c) Moses
d) David (Dawud)

c) Moses

Who is the Prophet known for his beautiful recitation of the Psalms (Zabur)?
a) Abraham
b) David (Dawud)
c) Solomon (Sulaiman)
d) Joseph (Yusuf)

b) David (Dawud)

Which Prophet is associated with the story of his miraculous birth to a barren mother?
a) Abraham
b) John the Baptist (Yahya)
c) Job (Ayub)
d) Isaac (Ishaq)

b) John the Baptist (Yahya)

Who is the Prophet known for his mission to the people of ‘Ad and the story of the destructive wind?
a) Noah
b) Abraham
c) Salih
d) Jonah (Yunus)

c) Salih

Which Prophet is associated with the story of his encounter with the angel in the cave?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Joseph (Yusuf)
d) Muhammad

d) Muhammad

Who is the Prophet known for his mission to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah?
a) Abraham
b) Lot (Lut)
c) Jonah (Yunus)
d) Moses

b) Lot (Lut)

Which Prophet is associated with the story of his miraculous ascension to the heavens?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Joseph (Yusuf)
d) Muhammad

d) Muhammad

Who is the Prophet known for his mission to the people of Babylon and the story of the fiery furnace?
a) Abraham
b) Job (Ayub)
c) Daniel (Daniyal)
d) Solomon (Sulaiman)

c) Daniel (Daniyal)

Which Prophet is associated with the story of his miraculous healing abilities?
a) Job (Ayub)
b) Daniel (Daniyal)
c) Joseph (Yusuf)
d) David (Dawud)

a) Job (Ayub)

Who is the Prophet known for his mission to the people of Nineveh and the story of the great fish (whale)?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Jonah (Yunus)
d) Solomon (Sulaiman)

c) Jonah (Yunus)

Which Prophet is associated with the story of the miraculous split of the sea to escape from Pharaoh’s army?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Joseph (Yusuf)
d) David (Dawud)

b) Moses

Who is the Prophet known for his mission to the people of Midian and the story of the burning bush?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Lot (Lut)
d) Daniel (Daniyal)

b) Moses

Which Prophet is associated with the story of his mission to the people of Mecca and the rebuilding of the Kaaba?
a) Noah
b) Abraham
c) Ishmael (Ismail)
d) Muhammad

d) Muhammad

Who is the Prophet known for his mission to the people of Babylon and the interpretation of dreams for the king?
a) Abraham
b) Job (Ayub)
c) Daniel (Daniyal)
d) Lot (Lut)

c) Daniel (Daniyal)

Which Prophet is associated with the story of his mission to the people of Israel and the miracles of the staff and the parted sea?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Aaron (Harun)
d) David (Dawud)

b) Moses

Who is the Prophet known for his mission to the people of Sheba and the story of the dam of the marbles?
a) Abraham
b) Job (Ayub)
c) Solomon (Sulaiman)
d) Joseph (Yusuf)

c) Solomon (Sulaiman)

Which Prophet is associated with the story of his mission to the people of Yathrib (Medina) and the migration (Hijra)?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Jonah (Yunus)
d) Muhammad

d) Muhammad

Who is the Prophet known for his mission to the people of the desert and the story of the miraculous well (spring of Zamzam)?
a) Noah
b) Abraham
c) Ishmael (Ismail)
d) David (Dawud)

c) Ishmael (Ismail)

Which Prophet is associated with the story of his mission to the people of Madyan and the story of the burning bush?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Jonah (Yunus)
d) Shu’ayb

d) Shu’ayb

Who is the Prophet known for his mission to the people of the elephant and the miraculous destruction of the army?
a) Noah
b) Abraham
c) Moses
d) Muhammad

d) Muhammad

Which Prophet is associated with the story of his mission to the people of Hud and the story of the barren land?
a) Noah
b) Abraham
c) Hud
d) Solomon (Sulaiman)

c) Hud

Who is the Prophet known for his mission to the people of the cave and the story of their sleep for centuries?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Jonah (Yunus)
d) The Companions of the Cave (Ashab al-Kahf)

d) The Companions of the Cave (Ashab al-Kahf)

Which Prophet is associated with the story of his mission to the people of Ayka and the story of the speaking donkey?
a) Noah
b) Abraham
c) Moses
d) Jonah (Yunus)

d) Jonah (Yunus)

Who is the Prophet known for his mission to the people of Iram and the story of the towering pillars?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Shu’ayb
d) Hud

b) Moses

Which Prophet is associated with the story of his mission to the people of Madyan and the miraculous well?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Jonah (Yunus)
d) Shu’ayb

d) Shu’ayb

Who is the Prophet known for his mission to the people of Yathrib (Medina) and the establishment of the first Islamic state?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Jonah (Yunus)
d) Muhammad

d) Muhammad

Which Prophet is associated with the story of his mission to the people of Ayka and the speaking donkey?
a) Noah
b) Abraham
c) Moses
d) Jonah (Yunus)

d) Jonah (Yunus)

Who is the Prophet known for his mission to the people of Iram and the story of the towering pillars?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Shu’ayb
d) Hud

d) Hud

Which Prophet is associated with the story of his mission to the people of Madyan and the miraculous well?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Jonah (Yunus)
d) Shu’ayb

d) Shu’ayb

Who is the Prophet known for his mission to the people of Yathrib (Medina) and the establishment of the first Islamic state?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Jonah (Yunus)
d) Muhammad

d) Muhammad

Which Prophet is associated with the story of his mission to the people of Mecca and the rebuilding of the Kaaba?
a) Noah
b) Abraham
c) Ishmael (Ismail)
d) Muhammad

d) Muhammad
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